Yesterday afternoon I had to make a hard decision. A decision to turn my back on the past and take hold of the future. To get up the courage to make my choice I took a walk in our pasture. It was around 5 o' clock so the sun wasn't as hot as usual, which made for a nice walk. Walking briskly, I set out to find some peace from the emotional turmoil inside my heart. After I had walked far enough away from our home and our neighbors, I talked aloud to God. I asked Him why this valley I have been in is so long. I had thought I was coming out of it, but once again I found myself face to face with my hurt.
It is amazing how a long walk and a long talk with your Heavenly Father, puts everything into perspective. I am reminded over and over again of His faithfulness through the valleys and His unfailing love.
After walking and talking with my Father in Heaven. My dad asked me why I hadn't told him I was taking a walk. He had wanted to look at the progress of some work he has been doing in the pasture. So I suggested we walk anyway.
Now, I had recognized my time with God, out there at the bottom of our pasture, as a great blessing, but here I was being blessed again. I was able to tell my earthly father about what was going on in my life. Once again I was reminded that not only am I blessed to have a faithful Heavenly Father, but my dad is also faithful. He is faithful to encourage me and his love for me, also, never fails.
No matter what I go through or what I've done I have two great fathers who will always be there for me and I am so thankful for them both!
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