Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Take captive every thought"

This post is based off of a journal entry I wrote on June 7, 2011.

It has been a long time since I have written and a long time since I've really dug into God's word and prayed wholeheartedly. Thankfully, Isaiah 26 appeared on my calendar of verses for today. It has spoken to me and I understand now why I've been in such a terrible mood. This verse sums it up...
"You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you."
Isaiah 26:3

Next to this verse, in my Bible's margins, I have referenced the following verse...
"We demolish arguments and every pretension
that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought
to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

I am realizing that I am not experiencing God's peace because I haven't taken every thought captive and I know that my mind is not steadfast on Him. I looked up what steadfast means and there were three definitions that caught my attention.
1) fixed in direction; steadily directed.
2) firm in purpose.
3) unwavering, as resolution, faith, adherence etc.

I pray these verses will bring a change in me soon as I make myself get back into God's word and seek His direction for my future.

Father, I need your help to make my mind fixed in your direction (steadfast).
I want to know the peace only you can give.
Help me take every thought captive and make them obedient to you.

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